High School CheerThe Sideline Varsity Team cheers at various Friday night Varsity football games in the fall and Tuesday and Friday night basketball games in the winter. The team is no-cut and only requires that you register to be placed on the team. We encourage those involved in fall or winter athletics/activities to join us for your off-season!
We select the Varsity Game Day Competition Team and the Varsity Traditional Competition Team at the end of August. The Game Day Competition Team will have up to 30 members. Traditional Competition Team will have 16-20 members. Those who are named to the Traditional Competition Team will also be a member of the Game Day Competition Team. You must cheer for winter or both fall and winter seasons in order to be eligible for the Game Day and/or the Traditional Competition Team and you must register for our program in May. |
RegistrationRegistration has closed for the 2024-2025 year. Please check back next spring!
Team Handbook |
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